Friday, March 15, 2013

Snow Flies Revealed

A female snow fly (Chionea sp.) near NBNC on 1/4/13

I just found an awesome article on snow flies.  It is such a good feeling to have an interest in an obscure insect and all the sudden discover that it is even more complex and beautiful than you ever imagined.  Here's all you ever wanted to know (and more) about snow flies.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Wow, winter is almost over!  A few short weeks without a post, and my field season has withered away.  Well despite the blog silence, I have continued to actively seek out winter insects with much success.  I'll have a number of back-order blog posts to make, but here are a few sightings that are fairly recent.

Lepidoptera seem to require fairer weather than some other winter-active insects, so it hasn't come as a surprise to find lep numbers on the rise as temps become more mild.  Here are two recent snow caterpillar sightings:

While doing some birding last Friday, this "cutworm" was crawling across the snow in a parking lot in Burlington, near a soldier beetle larva.  Thanks to the help of Sam Jaffe, this fellow was ID'd as Noctua pronuba.

Another caterpillar, encountered the next day on the snow in Colchester in a wetland:

While very small, this caterpillar has the distinctive markings of a Haploa sp.  As adults, they come in stunning patterns of black-and-white, with orange in their bodies.